Your coach

Whether You Have Questions, Feedback, Or Are Interested In Partnering With Me,I’d Love To Hear From You And Accompany
You In Your Leadership Journey.

The woman

Small town girl, partner, mom of 2, and bonus mom of 4. Living life to the fullest every day, I strive every day to simply be happy, and help others in any way I can. 

I have two decades of experience in the Insurance industry and Leadership. An eternal student, I am passionate about using my gift and knowledge helping others and organizations reach their goals. 

I strongly believe success comes by working together and lifting each other up.  drive and perseverance, none of which would have been possible without the support of my family and my mentors.

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My Coaching Colors

My name is Tanya, Founder and CEO of TD Leadership Co. As a certified Leadership Coach, please allow me to introduce myself through My Coaching Colors and how each color aligns with its description and my experience.

Blue: Trust and Stability
Purple: Wisdom and Spirituality
Green: Growth and Balance
Red: Passion – representing my passion in all I am involved in, to help others be the best version of themselves, to grow and reach your goals strategically.

How can I help you and/or your team?

Connect with Coach Tanya